We are often asked the question, what is the difference between a Next Level Mindset soundtrack and a Guided Visualization soundtrack? At IntentOne, we take two approaches to improving athlete performance. The Next Level Mindset (NLM) focuses on achieving the necessary mindset in order to enjoy athletic success. The Guided Visualization (GV) is designed to provide you with a vivid picture of your desired end result. Both are a necessary part of the athlete’s mental toolbox.
The NLM was designed to help you address those parts of your thinking that need to be improved or brought to the “next level.” Over time, we have all developed limiting beliefs that hinder our progress and performance. Those thoughts and eventual beliefs are not easy to overcome. Certain ideas we carry about ourselves are not true. But, our minds do not know they are not true until we introduce thinking that contradicts those wrong beliefs. Otherwise, you would find yourself constantly sabotaged by those beliefs. Once we think something on a consistent basis, it becomes inculcated into our thinking patterns. As a result, we no longer become aware of what it is we are thinking. Thinking forms the basis of our beliefs and our beliefs determine how fast and far we are able to go. The questionnaire helps you ferret out those beliefs by forcing you to think through your honest answers to the questions. This process can be very time consuming, but is so worth it in the end. It’s not about appearing to be something that looks good. It’s about honest reflection and honest recognition concerning what and how we think. Your answers are then fed into our proprietary system which results in a soundtrack. The soundtrack will now serve to counter your wrong beliefs and if listened to often (daily), will help you change those beliefs. Soon you begin to recognize where your thinking is subpar or based on old beliefs and can make the needed changes. I should add, the NLM soundtrack can be listened to at any time; during workouts, driving, or any activity that doesn’t require your full focus. Your mind will still be receiving the new message. End result? Mindset change!
The GV serves another distinct purpose. Our minds work in pictures and your brain does not differentiate the difference between what is really happening and what is happening in your mind only. And, before you can do something, your mind has to be able to see you doing it. Especially the big important things in your mind like performing at an elite level. Once you reach a certain level of athletics, everyone is fast, everyone is fit, everyone works very hard on their physical body. But, not everyone takes that next step to work on their mind and the images they feed their mind. When it comes to elite athletes, it is the difference maker. A guided visualization begins by helping you to relax and with neural enhancement (sounds), get into the right state of mind. Then, thanks to your detailed input on the questionnaire, works to produce a soundtrack painting a vivid, detailed, present tense picture of you performing at a very high level. You begin to actually see yourself in the perfect moment for your own success. You incorporate all of your senses to the point where you can actually smell the smells, hear the sounds, see the crowds, feel the feelings and fill in the picture fully. The point of the GV is not improving your mindset per se’, but developing a vision of something happening that is very important to you. You see it and see it and see it until it becomes a part of you. Then, don’t be surprised if you find yourself in that exact situation you imagined. It’s not magic. It is simply how your mind was designed to work and cooperating with it instead of working against it. Because of the amount of focus required, the guided visualization must be done in a quiet, undistracted setting. Typically you would close your eyes and follow the visualization soundtrack promptings, seeing yourself in the scenario being presented to you. The GV is typically a shorter soundtrack, but you can listen to it as often as you like. End result? New reality picture well formed in your mind.
We recommend athletes use both offerings in order to have the most success. NLM’s require focus areas; areas you need to work on to achieve your ultimate goal. These can be any area of the work you need to do to reach your end game. You can add up to three focus areas maximum because of what science has proven our minds handle best. Your GV can also include focus areas, but those are included in your visualization so that you can help yourself picture doing the work as well as receiving the end result. Some parts of training and discipline can be arduous to complete, so it may be necessary to see yourself doing those important things as well. At the end of the day, your commitment to your mental state will prove to be a game changer in terms of your future success. We are rooting for you.
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