“Audible Reality”

At IntentOne, we are often asked why we use an audio recording in order to promote change in a person’s life. Much has been written about the effect of thoughts on the levels of success a person can achieve. Simply stated, if you can change your thoughts about yourself for a consistent period of time, you can directly shape and change your reality. Many of the problems and obstacles we encounter in our experience can be traced back directly to thoughts we think about ourselves. The old adage, “if you think you can, you can” holds true here. Our founder, Eddie Mitchell found himself in the middle of a negative spiral which seemed to worsen rather than get better. Despite overcoming a difficult upbringing, he still saw himself on the wrong end of success. He found himself working job after job only to end in failure. He developed a drug addiction which further worsened his condition. Desperate for a change in his personal circumstances, he began to research the tools necessary to effectively change his persistently negative thoughts. He discovered the powerful impact of visualization, repetitive conditioning, neuroplasticity i.e. the brain’s capability to develop new patterns, just to name a few. He put all these tools together to form what is now called the IntentOne process or Inspiration on Demand. This process consisted of the development of personalized audio content based on a person’s life purpose and highest priority values all built into a recording, set in present tense language, to effectively produce a new audible reality one could inculcate into their mind through faithful repetition. The new tool not only worked, but led to considerable success in first overcoming addiction, then inspiring him to succeed at levels he only imagined in the past. He became the Chief Technology officer for a large mortagage bank and then went on to become a part owner and Chief Operations officer in a new developing, thriving business. His success led to a very successful lifestyle with abundant resources and the realization of his life’s dreams. Now, his life’s dream is to give back by making his success tools available to all who wanted to learn them. Enter IntentOne.

When we explain our offering to various people, they often think our recordings are simply a compilation of affirmations. However, it is much deeper than that. At the core level, people sort of instinctively know what they need to do to change, but find that change difficult or almost impossible. They fail to understand that change does not come from simply listening to a positive recording, but rather from a guided repetition in audio form that encompasses those things most important to the person. The IntentOne recordings are based on completion of the “PAR” questionnaire which seeks first to identify a person’s purpose in life or in other words, their why. Then the participant answers a series of questions regarding their highest priority goals, objectives to reach those goals and specific timelines. They identify their strongest traits, areas where they seek to overcome limiting beliefs and finally their expressions of gratitude for the things and people for which they are the most grateful. The end result? A personalized recording tailored specifically for the individual in present tense, positive language that can be listened to every day. The automated recording then can be modified and changed as the person grows and makes significant progress. This new “audible reality” results in retraining the brain to think in accordance with what is most important to the person in opposition to all of the clutter and distraction that stops people from achieving their goals. Soon people are able to recognize their own limiting beliefs and change their thinking to line up with their new beliefs. New thinking produces new behaviors and disciplines. The end result? Success and accomplishment coming from within. Truly Inspiration on Demand!

We all spend our precious time engaged in various activities. We all know there are things we need to do that we don’t necessarily want to do. For this we don’t need more discipline or more discovery of various “self-help” techniques to fix what appears broken in us. What we need most is some understanding of the effect of thought on our circumstances and indeed, our life. We need to feed our minds things that are true and positive; things that align with who we are; things that support our efforts rather than subtract from them; things presented in the present tense as if they already occurred. These are the things that truly affect positive changes in our lives. Whether you want to be a professional athlete, a successful business person or simply a better person, all of the potential exists within your mind, within the things you think about the most. IntentOne is all about helping you change your mind. There is no limit to what you can achieve once you get your mind lined up with what is most important to you and real change comes from habitual mental practice until that practice becomes your reality. Our audible reality can get you there, if you want it. Do you want it?

Inspiration on Demand!

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