Of all the things that can hold a person back in life and there are a multitude of things, the number one holdback; the number one predictor of failure; the core element involved in all defeats is having and maintaining limiting beliefs. Belief is required in every successful endeavor. Believing precedes receiving. You cannot have until you believe you can have and you cannot do until you believe you can do. What stops you or severely retards your progress is limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are things you have learned or been talked into that put limits where there are no limits. They are artificial limits that have no basis in truth. Limiting beliefs stop you from achieving and getting the things you want to get out of life. In order to reach the next level, whatever that is defined as for you, you have to get rid of your limiting beliefs.
Ridding yourself of limiting beliefs is not something you are going to be able to do overnight. There is no quick, magic or easy solution. The beliefs we maintain have been built over time based on the evidence we have accepted as true. Notice I did not say it is evidence that is true. It is evidence we have accepted as true. Our beliefs may be comprised of the things our parents told us or other people in authority. Our beliefs may have been formed through trial and error leading us to a certain conclusion. Our beliefs may be based on what we perceive as spiritual realities like “destiny” or that certain things are “meant to be.” Whatever they are or however we formed those beliefs, if they are limiting us or setting ceilings where there are no ceilings, they are limiting beliefs. You change limiting beliefs by patiently and intentionally forming new beliefs. You have to feed your mind thoughts and ideas that oppose those limiting beliefs and offer something new with which to replace them. This is not an easy thing to do as our beliefs, right or wrong, have been built over time. Beliefs are changed through repetition of thought over time. This is where the IntentOne process comes into play. Instead of fighting with yourself to think differently and not limit yourself, we provide a customized, personalized soundtrack designed to feed your mind new, true, positive, present tense information that contradicts your old limiting beliefs. Once your soundtrack is completed, you commit yourself to listening to it every day. The more you listen, the faster new information is inculcated into your thinking. Soon you begin to start recognizing thoughts that limit you and hold you back. When that occurs, you are well on your way to ridding yourself of limiting beliefs.
Every successful athlete in every sport maintains a certain level of positive belief in regard to the sport they participate in. Every single one. And, while they may still have limiting beliefs in certain areas, their success in a sport demonstrates the level of positive belief they have in order to get to that level. Sure they may have some limits they still put on themselves, but the level of excellence attained indicates the elimination of some if not many limiting beliefs. Even the athlete boasting about themselves and being obnoxious must have some level of positive belief in themselves to get wherever they have gotten. It is axiomatic. So the million dollar question (quite literally) is what limiting beliefs do you have that are holding you back? Deep down inside in that place no one knows about but you, what do you really believe about yourself? What are you afraid of? Fear is often the great power behind many limiting beliefs. Fear you won’t make it, don’t have what it takes, cannot perform at that level, don’t have the components other experts say you must have and on and on. In reality, the only limit is the limits you have put on yourself. The things you beieve that are not true. The sports world is full of people that weren’t supposed to make it or did not have what it takes, yet they made it anyway. Nothing can stop a man or a woman, a boy or a girl that refuses to limit themselves. Nothing!
If you want to perform at the next level or achieve any athletic goal or life’s dream, you have to believe you can and believing starts with ridding yourself of limiting beliefs. You can do it if you want to do it. Get serious and get the tools you need to be successful. We are rooting for you!