Take the Time!

In our frenetic culture today, we have been tricked into this mindset where we feel like we don’t have time to do things. We seek to experience life “on-demand” where we shouldn’t have to wait for anything and certainly don’t have the time it takes to do things. We scroll through images on our phones devoting 3-4 seconds per image and feel a sense of annoyance when there is no immediate result. We want the short version, the Cliffsnotes! Yet some things do require a time investment on our part. When it comes to planning needed changes or making strategies for greater success, it is required that we engage our minds in the process. We have to take the time to think. How many folks do you know that actually take the time to think? What we wish for instead is the “quick fix.” We want the Youtube short. We skim over things without really reading, looking for key words and phrases. We have erroneously concluded that we do not have time to invest in the thinking involved with making a significant change. Yet, real change, real problem solving demands a certain level of thought. Take the time!

When we first developed our IntentOne process, we realized that our questionnaire took time to complete. In some cases, several hours. It was like the eHarmony of self-development. No simple swiping right. So we sought to shorten the process. Then, we made an amazing discovery. Filling out a lengthy and well designed questionnaire almost solved 75% of the problem. Answering the questions thoughtfully and carefully forced us to think about things, some things we hadn’t thought about in years. Life is like that. Many of the issues or challenges we face come about because we do not take the time to really consider what is going on. We get sort of caught up in the “get things done” mode and stop thinking as a result. The real key, the real essence of change is taking the time needed to consider. We have to ask ourselves questions like, “what is my life purpose?” What do I contribute to the world? We all contribute something, but maybe have never taken the time to hone in on what that is. The same goes with overcoming limiting beliefs. Before you can begin to overcome a limiting belief, you have to know what your limiting beliefs are; when they started; what encourages their continuance to this day? And, sadly, you will never get there unless you are willing to invest a little time. It takes time to be successful. It takes time to be elite. It takes time to chart a new course to victory!

What is the solution? The solution is to take the time you need to finish the job. Answer each question in your mind. What you don’t yet know, figure out. In other words, do not just settle for mediocrity or good enough. If you want to reach the highest levels of anything, you are going to have to put in some time. For athletes, you can work hard on your body with very little thought. You can hone your skills to a keen level just by repetition. But, changing your mind into a champion’s mind is going to require cooperation from your head. You have to take the time to identify what holds you back? What have you been telling yourself you cannot do or have? What great strengths do you already possess? All thinking. All takes time. Now once you have thought a few things through, what words do you need to feed your mind instead? What are the far superior images of yourself that you would like to have in your thoughts, replacing those inferior ones? Through faithful listening daily, you can begin to weed out those wrong beliefs and replace them with positive beliefs working in your favor. It is so worth your time. Take the time.

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