What Exactly is IntentOne?

In order to understand IntentOne, you first have to understand the impact our thoughts have on our outcomes. All throughout time, men and women have spoken about the impact our thoughts have on our lives. A common misperception is that thinking properly simply means having a good attitude and staying positive, but it is much deeper than that. While both your attitude and being positive are important, the real crux of the matter is what beliefs you have developed based upon the thoughts you think most often. Your consistent way of thinking forms your beliefs, then your beliefs play out in real life. So many folks think success in life comes from working hard and exerting maximum effort. But, no matter how much work you put in or how hard you work, if your beliefs aren’t in line with what you are seeking, you are not going to find it. That is the sobering reality concerning what you think. Until you can persuade your stubborn heart to believe you can have something or do something or be something, you won’t get the results you desire. Naturally putting in the work and grinding towards your goals will produce something and may even help you change your beliefs. But, beliefs always come first. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to succeed quite easily even though they haven’t worked as hard as you do? The reason is simple. They believed and received. This is what spawned the creation of IntentOne.

Following a deeper and more comprehensive study of thought, well documented and even appearing in the Bible, it is very clear that in order to change limiting beliefs and your personal holdbacks, you have to both control your thinking and then intentionally think better thoughts. The problem is most folks do not even know what they think about most habitually, let alone what it is they need to think to offset those limited thoughts. Sometimes you might need help in figuring that out. At IntentOne, we have figured it out. We developed a system that will help you think properly and subsequently get better results. But, it is not magic. You don’t just think a few better thoughts for a little while and then magically get it right. Think about how long it took for you to form certain beliefs, especially those beliefs that are holding you back. But, you can change them. You change them by faithfully replacing limiting thoughts with new, more productive thoughts. If people could do this easily on their own, there would be no need for mindset management tools. But folks, there is a need. Our process involves thoughtfully completing a questionnaire that asks pointed questions very personal to you. Simply completing the questionnaire takes work and sometimes hard work. It is not surface thinking nor is it simple. But, it is the logical starting point. Upon completion of the questionnaire, including the addition of beliefs you would like to have, reasons to have gratitude and an acknowledgement of the quality traits you already possess, we use AI to develop a very personal, customized script designed specifically to feed your mind what you need to hear the most. Again, it is not magic. You aren’t going to listen to your soundtrack a few times and have an ‘aha’ moment. But, if you persist with it, you will find what other users have found. You will, maybe for the first time in your life, finally begin to recognize the things you are thinking that simply aren’t true. Your mind, being fed new information, begins to spot things that oppose your goals; things that contradict the new information. Once that begins to happen, you are well on your way to succeeding. Then, as you make progress and reach certain targets, you can modify your soundtrack or expand upon it with additional development areas, visualization tracks and even music with proven brainwave entrainment soundtracks. At IntentOne, this isn’t magic. It is what we do!

The goal of any technology is to make your life better or easier in some capacity. We have been able to harness the current technology and  use it to shorten your mental skills acquisition time. Like anything you choose to do with intention, the more focused you are coupled with faithful daily use, the sooner you will be able to hit the targets you have set for yourself. What exactly is IntentOne? IntentOne is a business committed to helping people live their best life and achieve success using advanced technology and science to make magic. Well, almost.


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